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استكشاف المناظر الطبيعية للتعلم في الأكاديمية
I must make it clear to you that all these misconceptions about denouncing ecstasy and glorifying pain actually arose, and I will show you the details so that you may discover the truth and basis of that human happiness. No one rejects, hates or avoids feeling happy, but thanks to those people who do not realize that happiness must be felt in a more rational and logical way, this exposes them to facing painful circumstances. I repeat that no one can attain the goal and enjoy pain. Pain is pain, but as a result of certain circumstances, happiness may lie in what we achieve.
I will give a living example of this. Who among us has not endured hard physical effort except to obtain an advantage or benefit? But who has the right to criticize someone who wanted to feel happiness without painful consequences or another who wanted to avoid the pain that might result from it?
- No one rejects, hates or avoids feeling.
- The myth about denouncing ecstasy and glorifying pain has already arisen, and I will show you.
- They avoid and refrain from toiling.
Advantage or benefit? But who has the right to criticize someone who wanted to feel happiness without painful consequences or another?
Honest Sayed
Camtasia full
I will give a living example of this. Who among us has not endured hard physical effort except to obtain an advantage or benefit? But who has the right to criticize someone who wanted to feel happiness without painful consequences or another who wanted to avoid the pain that might result from it?
Happiness must be felt in a more rational and logical way, which exposes them to facing painful circumstances. I repeat that there is no one who desires love and attainment and enjoys pain. Pain is pain, but as a result of certain circumstances, happiness may lie in what we endure of toil and sorrow.
Happiness must be felt in a more rational and logical way, which exposes them to facing painful circumstances. I repeat that there is no one who desires love and attainment and enjoys pain. Pain is pain, but as a result of circumstances that may lie
Intrinsic motivation
But I must make it clear to you that all these misconceptions about denouncing ecstasy and glorifying pain actually arose, and I will show you the details so that you may discover the truth and basis of that human happiness, so I do not reject the misconceptions about denouncing ecstasy and glorifying pain.
- No one rejects, hates or avoids feeling.
- The myth about denouncing ecstasy and glorifying pain has already arisen, and I will show you.
- They avoid and refrain from toiling.
إدوارد نورتون
و سأعرض مثال حي لهذا، من منا لم يتحمل جهد بدني شاق إلا من أجل الحصول على ميزة أو فائدة؟ ولكن من لديه الحق أن ينتقد شخص ما أراد أن يشعر بالسعادة التي لا.
إميلي براينت
و سأعرض مثال حي لهذا، من منا لم يتحمل جهد بدني شاق إلا من أجل الحصول على ميزة أو فائدة؟ ولكن من لديه الحق أن ينتقد شخص ما أراد أن يشعر بالسعادة التي لا.
ستيف مارتن
و سأعرض مثال حي لهذا، من منا لم يتحمل جهد بدني شاق إلا من أجل الحصول على ميزة أو فائدة؟ ولكن من لديه الحق أن ينتقد شخص ما أراد أن يشعر بالسعادة التي لا.